Bedrock is one year old! We started this project about a year ago, and we’ve been updating and refining Bedrock since.
We use Bedrock for most of our projects at Mono. HTML prototyping is a staple of our workflow; and it’s something we’ve talked about extensively in the past.
We’re at the point where Bedrock’s features have stabilized, and have been in actual use in many projects.
After some recent development work I concluded that Bedrock is feature complete. I’m ready to call this stable and thus a 1.0 is in order. You can download Bedrock 1.0 on Github.
What’s next for Bedrock? Well, at Mono we often use Bootstrap for our projects. We’ve customized Bootstrap 3 with a lot of extra components which we think are worth sharing.
I plan to make a new demo that shows the power of Bedrock combined with Bootstrap. While developing the demo I am going to record my screen and turn it into a session that anyone can watch, to see the process.
Next to this, I want to revise the documentation to make it easier for newcomers to get started. Bedrock is a relatively simple tool to use, but you have to know some details to use it effectively.
P.S. A huge shoutout to Thomas for his coding efforts. If you need a fine React developer, hire him!